About Us

The Kalkadoon PBC which was created under the Native Title Act 1993, manages the recognised Native Title rights and interests of the Kalkadoon people following the determination on the 12th December 2011.

The Kalkadoon PBC has a 6 member Board of Directors that meets on regular basis and live on country to best support and work for the benefit of the Kalkadoon People.

Kalkadoon PBC has 38,719 square kilometres in the Boulia, Burke, Carpentaria, Cloncurry, Mckinlay Shire Councils and Mount Isa City Council. We have over 400 members and still growing making us one of the most rapidly increasing group of all Native Title PBCs in Australia.

Kalkadoon PBC is now also the registered Cultural Heritage Body under the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 (Qld). It is responsible for cultural heritage management across the Kalkadoon estate.

Our Purpose

  • We are the Custodians of our country and law;
  • We respect our past to build our future; and
  • We strengthen the Kalkadoon People through strong leadership, cultural authority and organisational excellence

Our Goals

  • To demonstrate excellence in strong and accountable governance
  • To ensure genuine respect and involvement of our Elders
  • To contribute to the health, wellbeing and cultural identity of our People
  • To build an organisation for Kalkadoon that we can all be proud of
  • To invest in a culturally, socially and economically sustainable Kalkadoon Nation

Our Values

  • Respect
  • Transparency
  • Leadership
  • Cultural Authority
  • Trust
  • Pride in Heritage and Organisation

Our Vision

  • The Kalkadoon People are strong and thriving and are recognised as cultural leaders