Welcome to Kalkadoon Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC

The Kalkadoon Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC (Kalkadoon PBC) represents Traditional Owners from the Kalkadoon Nation family clans, who are recognised as traditional owners over 38,719 square kilometres of land and waters awarded by the Federal Court of Australia by consent determination in 2011.


Native Title

The Kalkadoon PBC administers the traditional lands and waters of the Kalkadoon people on their behalf.

The Kalkadoon People's Native Title rights and interests have been recognised over 38,719 square kilometres of land and waters in the Mt Isa region, including areas of reserves, state land, pastoral leases and other leases. The Prescribed Body Corporate (PBC) for the Kalkadoon people and claim area, providing management of lands, waters & reserves within the State of Queensland.

The Kalkadoon Native Title Claim area is located in North Western Queensland tribal boundaries beginning at the head of the Cloncurry River across the heads of the Leichhardt and Gregory Rivers, extending West over the Barkly Tablelands and East towards the Sewlyn Ranges, travelling south to the boundaries around Chatsworth Station, Mount Merlin & Buckingham Down.

The Kalkadoon PBC has a membership of more than 600 Traditional Owners, all of whom have ancestral links to one of 29 Apical Ancestors registered in the Native Title Consent Determination.


Kalkadoon PBC working hard for you...

Kalkadoon PBC takes a unique and transformation approach to eliminate poverty with our people by creating change with our young to foster better outcomes for the future.

We have a social and environmental responsibility to our country and to our people within enabling economic, social and community development for Traditional Owners.

We are proud of negotiating better outcomes for our people with employment & training and welcome all our Traditional Owners to register for future employment and training opportunities.


Apply for Membership & Members Access

Only members of the Kalkadoon PBC will be granted access to the Members Area.

If you are not a member of the Kalkadoon PBC, please review the requirements for becoming a member.